Contract vs Full-Time Employees: How to Make the Right Decision

April 26, 2021

But if companies start embracing this model, there’s a good chance they’ll see the benefits quickly. In short, full-time employees help companies create long-term growth. From a strictly financial point of view, being a contractor is a better way to go. There are considerations like work stability/job security, possibility of promotions, etc that one should keep in mind. People may lean on you for advice that they wouldn’t trust their employees with, because of the organizational anti-pattern of empire-building that many dysfunctional organizations suffer from.

A simple way to determine if someone is a contractor is to ask, “How many people employ this person? Over the past few years, I’ve watched friends and colleagues get laid off from jobs they thought they’d be in for life. Layoffs and salary and benefit cuts are a reality in this economy and your future is tied closely to the fortunes of the company you’re working for. Assess your company’s financial health and find out where you really stand. When they decide to hire people full-time, most companies are also looking to invest in their employees additionally. Additionally, you will also have the freedom to choose your own projects.

Comparing contractor to full-time positions

Whereas freelancers choose their own time and work with various clients on shorter projects. As the name itself suggests, contract work is any type of work you sign a contract for. Contract workers are hired for a specific project or during a pre-set time instead of being hired by your employer full-time. Experts project that by 2020, contract workers and freelancers will make up 40 percent of the workforce in the United States of America.

However, you also have to consider how this person will fit into the business model in the future. If you answered yes to one or several of these questions, it’s likely that, from the IRS’s perspective, your worker should be classified as a W2, or full-time employee. We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. The consequences for misclassification – i.e., wrongly classifying an employee as a contractor – vary depending on whether the misclassification is deemed intentional.


Two of the currently most popular types of employment include being hired full-time or contract work. Because, in reality, the hourly or flat-fee rate that you pay for an independent contractor will most likely be higher than you’d pay an employee to perform the same services. However, that’s mostly contract vs full time salary due to the additional costs you’d normally incur with an employee that aren’t required when you hire an independent contractor. These positions typically start with a determined scope of work and a start/end date. Although in a lot of cases additional budget can be approved to extend the end date.

For this reason, independent contractors tend to be the best choice if you need specific expertise for a project in a short period of time. The amount of money a contract employee receives is based on the project or work that the company gives them. This compensation can vary and is usually delivered to them after services are rendered.

Flexible Schedule

The chances are that you’ll be able to gain far greater insights into both full-time and contract work advantages and disadvantages if you listen to other people’s first-hand experiences. So, while contractors are required to obtain all of these – out of their pocket – company employees will either have them at their disposal or will need to file a request to obtain them. Many companies offer paid time off, healthcare, insurance, retirement plans, and similar perks. One of the most common mistakes contractors that are new in that line of business make is taking on more projects than they can realistically handle.

  • (Working for a temporary agency as a W2 employee mitigates this risk, generally at the cost of a lower take home pay).
  • An employer will usually set the hours of a full-time employee and the employee will report to a supervisor within the company.
  • Aside from taxes and structure, there are benefits to working with both contractors and full-time workers.
  • For example, contractors can take time off whenever they feel like it, but they do so at the cost of not making money during that time.

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